Correlation between E-Governance and Service Quality: Interrogating the Success of E-Governance in JAMB Nigeria

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Emma E.O. Chukwuemeka, Okeke Chinenye, Faith Onwuchekwa

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Published: 18 January 2018 | Article Type :


The relevance of the public sector to socio-economic development in any nation cannot be underestimated. This has been re-echoed in the 2007 World Development Report which argued that ―an effective public sector is vital for the provision of the goods and services – and the rules and institutions – that allow markets to flourish and the people to lead healthier, happier lives. This has prompted and driven radical changes in public administration and management systems. Information Communication Technology (ICT) via E Governance have been recognized as an effective tool that can help government reinvent itself, run cheaply, faster, better and produce new outcome (Heeks,1999), this new approach is what has become known as E-governance. This study therefore examined the Correlation between E-governance and Public Sector Service quality in Nigeria, focusing on Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) South East of Nigeria. The survey method was used in this study. Tables and graphical presentation were used to measure the direction of the perception of the respondents. Correlation coefficient was used to measure the relationship between the dependent and independent variables under study. The findings were many but major findings indicates that there is significant relationship between E-governance and service quality in JAMB. In the light of the findings one of the major recommendations proffered includes that JAMP and other public sector organizations in Nigeria should avail themselves of the windows of opportunities that E-governance provides.

Keywords: E-Governance, government, service delivery. Examination.

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Emma E.O. Chukwuemeka, Okeke Chinenye, Faith Onwuchekwa. (2018-01-18). "Correlation between E-Governance and Service Quality: Interrogating the Success of E-Governance in JAMB Nigeria." *Volume 1*, 1, 9-38